Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Mint And Crispy Parmigiano

  • 10
  • Easy

Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Mint And Crispy Parmigiano

  • 10
  • Easy
Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli With Mint And Crispy Parmigiano


  • 1 packet of Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli
  • 60 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • 30 g butter
  • Mint leaves to taste


Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese evenly across the base of a frying pan, covering it completely. Heat the pan over a medium-low heat and when it starts to brown, take it off the heat and transfer to some kitchen paper. 

Cook the ravioli, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the ravioli with a knob of butter, the crispy Parmesan and some mint  leaves. 


- +
  • 1 packet of Gorgonzola And Speck Ravioli
  • 60 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • 30 g butter
  • - Mint leaves to taste


Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese evenly across the base of a frying pan, covering it completely. Heat the pan over a medium-low heat and when it starts to brown, take it off the heat and transfer to some kitchen paper. 

Cook the ravioli, following the instructions on the packet. 

Serve the ravioli with a knob of butter, the crispy Parmesan and some mint  leaves.